Our Services

We have been drilling for over 20 years and are continually developing and expanding our industry knowledge and techniques to allow for consistent and reliable service methods.

What We Do

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal Guided Pit Drilling

Grade Drilling Wastewater & Stormwater

CALL US NOW ON 021 747 092

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Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) allows for the installation of utility pipelines and conduits without performing open excavations.  Horizontal Directional Drilling rigs are best suited for drilling services such as power, water, data communications.  The advantages of directional drilling are:
  • Low impact on existing ground.
  • A single location area can be used to install different pipes.
  • Reduces the fractures to existing rock formations.
  • Reduces the contamination of groundwater pollution
  • Protects the ecosystem and adjacent areas.
  • Limited traffic and landscape disruption.
  • Ability to drill beneath surface obstructions or ongoing site operations.
  • Some techniques can be used to replace existing pipes. 

Horizontal Guided Pit Drilling

Powerful yet compact, the pit drill rig is an ideal drill for installing water and services for projects with set-back or tight restrictions.  Proven reliable and robust to cut through anything from mud, mudstone, clay, sandstone, limestone to papa rock.  Pit drill rigs are specifically suited for: 

  • Under roads or buildings etc for sewer or stormwater drainage
  • Hard to get to places like the bush
  • Remote development sites


  • Slips or unstable ground
  • Drilling through hard layers down cliffs
  • Low impact to landscape and environment.

Grade Drilling Wastewater & Stormwater

Skill & Accuracy are Paramount

Skilful and accurate. Grade drilling of wastewater and stormwater is the hardest job for a Horizontal Directional Drill operator. After being given a signed off plan/drawing, the operator of the drill rig must adhere to the Grade/angle of the fall of the pipe consistently from Point A-B. Strict adherence to the grade/angle stipulation which has been pre-determined in the plan is sometimes easier said than done due to the makeup of the soils under the ground. Nevertheless, with help from modern technology within the drill rig itself and a skilled locator technician the task can be carried out with pin point accuracy. These images show an example of a Bore path layer out along Shackleton Rd, Mt Eden, with a locator ahead.